My big project "NONAME" (like WALL-E, but different)
Hi ALL!!!
I'm from Ukraine, and this is my big project "NONAME" . Why "NONAME"... I don't know :) Some people give he name WALL-E , but they wrong... It's not WALL-E!!!
I work of this project one year, he have 4 step PWM controled by UltraSonic Radar, IR sensor, mechanical bumper (if IR sensor not see barrier) and cell phone alarm system with piroelectrical sensor (in head), also have two camera - first is BW camera with IR leds (for night mode) and second camera - RGB in head. Operator choice who camera now transmit live video on remote base station, also he take robot to remote control. This robot on board have three uC - ATMega 8 this uC controlled all system on robot.
Navigate around via sensors and home alarm system
- CPU: ATMega 8
- Power source: 12V 7A
- Programming language: C+
- Target environment: indoor, Outdor