MSP430 Line Follower

Posted on 19/11/2012 by sillycrackers
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is a line follower that uses a MSP430G2553 16 bit microcontroller and a L293d motor driver. There are 5 cny70 analog infrared sensors that feed the value to the 10 bit adc on the microcontroller. I have implemented a PID routine mixed in with some random control logic. Faster motors are currently on the way which will make it go twice as fast. I attached the main.c source code if anyone is interested. Link to video if site not working: Future improvements: Lipo ...

MSP430 Line Follower

This is a line follower that uses a MSP430G2553 16 bit microcontroller and a L293d motor driver. There are 5 cny70 analog infrared sensors that feed the value to the 10 bit adc on the microcontroller. I have implemented a PID routine mixed in with some random control logic. Faster motors are currently on the way which will make it go twice as fast.

I attached the main.c source code if anyone is interested.

Link to video if site not working:

Future improvements:

  • Lipo battery instead of 9volt
  • Fuzzy logic instead of PID

Follows a line

  • Actuators / output devices: 30:1 micro metal dc motors
  • Control method: embedded microcontroller
  • CPU: Msp430g2553
  • Power source: 9 volt
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: 5 infrafed reflective
  • Target environment: indoor
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