Mr Shark Fin Soup

Posted on 11/09/2010 by dizzle
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is Mr Shark Fin Soup. Hes a Frits Basic Robot but with a deadly twist. I used the Morphibians Land Shark RC car as the base for this bot. These are great little platforms. They cost about 25 bucks, and theres tons of room on the inside even though i basically had to tear out the guts on mine. Its running a Sharp IR on a Picaxa 28 Beginner Board. This thing is a little more zippy then Fritses i think, so i challenge his beginners bot to a cross country race. Based on its speed, i see it more ...

Mr Shark Fin Soup

This is Mr Shark Fin Soup. Hes a Frits Basic Robot but with a deadly twist. I used the Morphibians Land Shark RC car as the base for this bot. These are great little platforms. They cost about 25 bucks, and theres tons of room on the inside even though i basically had to tear out the guts on mine. Its running a Sharp IR on a Picaxa 28 Beginner Board. This thing is a little more zippy then Fritses i think, so i challenge his beginners bot to a cross country race. Based on its speed, i see it more suited for outdoor use, otherwise youll be getting it off of random objects when it zooms up on them. This bot also decides to used the front of the vehicle as a "sensor". Because of the speed, by the time the sensor tells it to stop, its ramming into the wall. Now that its built and basically debugged, i have to  work out the headlight LEDs to get them to blink when its making a decision, and i have to adjust the sensor so it doesnt run into as many things.

run around, avoid obstacles after bashing into them

  • Actuators / output devices: servo, morphibians chassis and motors
  • Control method: Full autonomous unless stuck on something
  • CPU: Picaxe 28
  • Power source: 3 AA Cell
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR, Front of vehicle
  • Target environment: indoor, outdoor
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