Mr. Passive agressive

Posted on 05/07/2009 by maneuver
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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My unsuccessful Mr. basic competitor. I was very unlucky with the Dagu kit I got and still haven't managed to get the chassis running normal. With the normal amount of voltage, the wheels will run at a very uneven speed and eventually stop because the drive shafts are to wobbly. I had big plans for this one... I've bought parts for water squirting, but the weight of the water was to much for the motors to carry. I bought a pea shooter, but the only servo I managed to fit inside was to weak to pull ...

Mr. Passive agressive

My unsuccessful Mr. basic competitor.

I was very unlucky with the Dagu kit I got and still haven't managed to get the chassis running normal. With the normal amount of voltage, the wheels will run at a very uneven speed and eventually stop because the drive shafts are to wobbly.

I had big plans for this one... I've bought parts for water squirting, but the weight of the water was to much for the motors to carry. I bought a pea shooter, but the only servo I managed to fit inside was to weak to pull back the spring.

So, when 1. July came it thought "%&/!! I'll get those #¤% wheels &/#¤ turning.". Just for the fun of it.

So I hooked up an RC receiver with two speed controllers and 7.v volts. And man, did those wheels spin!! It was running around the neighbourhood scaring kids, and I'll never be able to get another favour from the old janitor again, that's for sure! The motors didn't smell good, but they kept running. So when I noticed that the competition date was moved I decided to glue together a tank top,and try to make it look nice-ish.

It was easier said that done though. The Mr. Basic frame isn't very big, and there was a lot of stuff and wires that had to be packed very low and tight to get the tank top low enough to get a good look. So the first thing that had to go was the 7.2 volt battery, which was sad. With the new 6volt battery the old problems occurred again. You might notice in the video that it stops and hesitates every now and the.

The power switch is located right behind and above the right front wheel, but the battery connection is left out back to make it easy to recharge the battery without disassembling anything.

I was planning a paint job as well (probably Baby Blue or Pink), but it took me so long to figure out that I had to change to a smaller battery, so there was no time left. 

I've learned a lot, and I've bought load of new parts that I will have plenty of fun with in the future. So even if the finished product isn't by far as cool as the plans I built in my head while waiting for Mr. Basic to arrive in the mail and I feel that my chance of winning the competition is rather slim. I still think buying this kit and joining the challenge has been totally worth it.

I've always thought that DAGUs goal has been to showcase that this robot base can be used in a variety of different project, and that it is versatile. And if nothing else, my build shows that Mr. Basic can be used for more than just desktop robots in a classroom..


It occured to me this morning to check the frame itself, and that might be the problem, it seems to be a little scewed..

EDIT: Oh, and to explain the name: I'm a pacifist, so the use of a war machine isn't really my style. So, for the sake of personal satisfaction, rather than for this competition, I'm workin on a motorized turning HelloKitty head with a camera that will replace the gun turret

run fast

  • Control method: undefined
  • Power source: 6 volt Li-Po RC pack
  • Target environment: asphalt streets and indoor
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