mr light

Posted on 25/04/2010 by robosaz
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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hello to all this is my first robot ,it s a simple robot to start my work he searches environment and detects obstacles(with micro switches)and finds the best  trade. anywhere was dark he entered turn on his lightes and alight that where. i use atmega32 for cpu and l298 for drive motors.he has a lcd to tell messages and photosel to detect darkness.  i m working on a new robot now . it s a fire fghter robot and it has   several sensors and algoritm. 

mr light

hello to all

this is my first robot ,it s a simple robot to start my work he searches environment and detects obstacles(with micro switches)and finds the best  trade. anywhere was dark he entered turn on his lightes and alight that where.

i use atmega32 for cpu and l298 for drive motors.he has a lcd to tell messages and photosel to detect darkness.

 i m working on a new robot now . it s a fire fghter robot and it has   several sensors and algoritm. 

Navigate around via micro switch

  • Control method: autonomous
  • Power source: 9 Volt for powering the board
  • Programming language: Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: photosel
  • Target environment: indoor
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