Minion 1

Posted on 21/08/2015 by wolf_from_wv
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is based on an Instructable I found. It drives forward and steers around obstacles. The Minion's eyes are Parallax PING sensors. They started as plain blocks of wood, and I was asked why I had Minions on the front, so they were painted... Future additions: GPS Accelerometer Compass I would like to find a 4wd chassis

Minion 1

This is based on an Instructable I found. It drives forward and steers around obstacles. The Minion's eyes are Parallax PING sensors. They started as plain blocks of wood, and I was asked why I had Minions on the front, so they were painted... Future additions: GPS Accelerometer Compass I would like to find a 4wd chassis

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