Mini Monster Boe Bot

Posted on 13/08/2009 by prettybird
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is my first robot and first time using a microcontroller. Electronics is easy for me but programming is another can of worms. I would like to thank all the guys in the Parallax forum for answering my dumb software questions. They have excellent support. Rather then re type everything I am including 2 links to the Parallax forum finished projects section. Everything is pretty well documentted if interestted. Also a short movie clip. I am new here and like the international ideas here.  Many ...

Mini Monster Boe Bot

This is my first robot and first time using a microcontroller. Electronics is easy for me but programming is another can of worms. I would like to thank all the guys in the Parallax forum for answering my dumb software questions. They have excellent support. Rather then re type everything I am including 2 links to the Parallax forum finished projects section. Everything is pretty well documentted if interestted. Also a short movie clip. I am new here and like the international ideas here.  Many of the parts were used or laying around my electronics workshop. Alot of the wiring was fabracatted from old computer frames. Amazing what you can do with an old erector set and alot of basement engineering.


The more you learn, the more you find you don't know. It is neverending.  Confucous 550 BC


Roam with Radio Control overide and audio feedback with TV cam

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 - heavy duty modified servos and 1 - standard servo
  • CPU: Parallax BS2
  • Operating system: XP
  • Power source: 1- 7.2v, 1-6V 1- 9.6V NiCad battery packs
  • Programming language: pbasic 2.5
  • Sensors / input devices: bumper, Sharp IR, Parallax Ultra Sound
  • Target environment: indoor-outdoor (with good weather :)
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