
Posted on 08/06/2009 by sthmck
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Since Mike posted about his mech I thought maybe I should just go ahead and do the same. I have been working on this robot in my spare time for several months now. I was hoping to have it ready for Robogames, unfortunatly due to several circumstances beyond my control it will not be ready in time.  Here is a little overview of what I have done so far and what I hope to accomplish in the near future. Basically the frame is completed. I still have to mount the guns and camera on top, but I am waiting ...


Since Mike posted about his mech I thought maybe I should just go ahead and do the same.

I have been working on this robot in my spare time for several months now. I was hoping to have it ready for Robogames, unfortunatly due to several circumstances beyond my control it will not be ready in time. 

Here is a little overview of what I have done so far and what I hope to accomplish in the near future.

Basically the frame is completed. I still have to mount the guns and camera on top, but I am waiting on parts before that can be accomplished.

RIght now the hold up is a lack of an adequate control system. I am currently using the CM-5 which comes with the Bioloid ki, but this does not allow me to remotely control Stryker and also does not provide power for the gun motors.

 Here are a few more pics of my progress so far. I have not had a chance to takea video of it yet, but as soon as I do I will post.

Competes in Mech Warfare

  • Actuators / output devices: AX-12 servos, Tank airsoft guns
  • Control method: remote controlled via ZigBee
  • CPU: CM-5
  • Sensors / input devices: Wifi Camera, Sonar sensors, Piezo target plates
  • Target environment: Arena
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