A pummer is a solar powered self activating LED flasher. Pummers are nocturnal critters that soak up
sunlight during the daytime, then get active at night. Their nocturnal activity can either consist of a light show,
or some pattern of sounds. The difference between a pummer and a BLFNAR (blinky light for no apparent
reason) is that a pummer has a soft turn off, which means that it turns on fast, but slowly fades away.
Electronically, Pummers essentially consist of just two parts -- a Nocturnal solar engine, and a load circuit
(which is only powered at night).
this is the actual schema
Pulsate night-time
- Actuators / output devices: 1 Green Led, 1 Red Led, 1 CC Buzzer
- Control method: Suspended Bicore
- Power source: Solar cell + 2.4v 150mAh NiMh cell
- Sensors / input devices: Solar cell
- Target environment: outdoor