
Posted on 14/11/2012 by robotdan
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hello. This is my first robot on LMR :). It uses Lego Mindstorms NXT, and what it does, it moves around and shoots using the highly noticeable machine gun mounted on top of the robot (machine gun design adapted from: A youtube video above shows how it shoots, and moves (need to work on drive motors). In the video, I used Briccx Command Center to control the robot, so don't think the robot actually executed some program... Well...I guess that's ...


Hello. This is my first robot on LMR :). It uses Lego Mindstorms NXT, and what it does, it moves around and shoots using the highly noticeable machine gun mounted on top of the robot (machine gun design adapted from: A youtube video above shows how it shoots, and moves (need to work on drive motors). In the video, I used Briccx Command Center to control the robot, so don't think the robot actually executed some program... Well...I guess that's it. I'll be planning a lot for this robot, adding an Ultrasonic Sensor and other devices.



The MachineGunBot



Part of the firing mechanism of the machine gun of the robot. It even makes a machine gun sound!

Part of the firing mechanism of the machine gun of the robot. It even makes a machine gun sound!


All those little beams are used as bullets. Notice how the black long stick running through the ammunition is used in the video to load the mag.


 More pics coming soon!


Right now, just a basis for a military robot.

  • Actuators / output devices: 3 MINDSTORMS NXT servo motors
  • Power source: 6 AA batteries
  • Target environment: indoor
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