LMR Start Here robot v2 (updated!)

Posted on 21/07/2011 by costyn
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Update: I rebuilt version 1 with a body of wood this time, and added a bunch of new stuff: A powerswitch which cuts the power between the motherboard and the batteries. This was convenient before I figured out how to make the kill-switch work.A kill switch: a simple switch which works with an interrupt which stops all activity.2 LEDs. I had 2 leds from some cheap solar garden lights (the rest of the electronics had stopped working). Making them blink at different times was fun. When it turns ...

LMR Start Here robot v2 (updated!)

Update: I rebuilt version 1 with a body of wood this time, and added a bunch of new stuff:

  • A powerswitch which cuts the power between the motherboard and the batteries. This was convenient before I figured out how to make the kill-switch work.
  • A kill switch: a simple switch which works with an interrupt which stops all activity.
  • 2 LEDs. I had 2 leds from some cheap solar garden lights (the rest of the electronics had stopped working). Making them blink at different times was fun. When it turns it's head or makes a turn, the led on that side goes on. When it's moving forward, it blinks in rapid fashion. When it stops completely, both light light up for a second.
  • sometimes it got into a deadlock situation, where it just kept turning left and then right and back again. I added some extra code which checks if 3 turns have been made without forward movement and then does a longer turn to resolve the deadlock.
  • I also fixed the turn the previous one was making, there was a bad soldering connection on one of the motors and it wasn't getting enough juice.

See the video here: http://vimeo.com/26928481

Older text:

Ordered the LMR kit from Solarbotics, paid the amazing shipping costs to get it from Canada to Europe, and then had to pay additional VAT. Ouch. I guess I'll spend the time searching for parts in European webshops from now on.

Built it in 2 evenings. Got Frits' 'shbotvideoprogram.bas' to work, although I got it to balance, it then gets confused whenever it starts driving and tips forward, thinking there's an obstacle in the way.

The program in the tutorial itself (very nicely written by the way, thanks Frits!) doesn't seem to work, haven't figured out why yet.

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