Little Black Box

Posted on 13/11/2008 by mrclean
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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10/12/08  This will be my first robot with a brain, unlike my first attempt at a robot which just had 4 transistors for its extremely basic operation.  I'll be using an Arduino, or more specifically the generic "Really Bare Bones Board" from Modern Device, which is considerably more affordable.  Some people refer to these generic boards as "Freeduino." After my Solarbotics order arrived the other day I was so anxious to play with my cool new robot parts that I ended up building ...

Little Black Box


This will be my first robot with a brain, unlike my first attempt at a robot which just had 4 transistors for its extremely basic operation.  I'll be using an Arduino, or more specifically the generic "Really Bare Bones Board" from Modern Device, which is considerably more affordable.  Some people refer to these generic boards as "Freeduino."

After my Solarbotics order arrived the other day I was so anxious to play with my cool new robot parts that I ended up building for a good chunk of the day instead of working, which I was supposed to be doing.  But I completed the chassis for the bot already, built out of the 3mm expanded PVC I ordered.  Some of you may have seen pictures of the parts here:    :P

This will be an "arty" robot, as the lingo on this site seems to go, since I'm putting LED's inside the body and behind the eyes to create some cool effects while it moves.

Videos and more photos to come.  Stay tuned. 

I put the motors in and the wheels on.  I'm still trying to find a caster small enough to work as a third wheel. 
Oof ok so this is a terrible quality photo (cell phone pic) but I'm lazy and tired right now, so I'll upload a better version tomorrow.
This gives you an idea of what I'm going for.  I'm going to put blue LED's inside, one pointing through each wheel, so that when they spin it makes a cool lighting effect.  :D 

Built the head this evening.
I'll put blue LED's in the head for backlit eyes ... perhaps I'll have him "blink" occasionally for added cuteness.  :)
Also, I've soldered the Really Bare Bones Board together.
Actually there's one small detail missing in that picture ... 4 of the female headers.  I dropped them somewhere and don't feel like getting on my hands and knees to find them under my desk just yet. 

Avoid walls, look cool with shiny LED's

  • Actuators / output devices: Solarbotics Gear Motor 8
  • CPU: Arduino, Really Bare Bones Board, Freeduino
  • Sensors / input devices: Parallax Ping
  • Target environment: indoors
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