Line Follower using IR sensors (no microcontroller)

Posted on 26/02/2013 by enigmerald
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hello there LMRians!!! Here is my first robot. This is an LM324 comparator based line follower robot. It uses a pair of analog IR sensors. A power supply board consisting a 7805 IC has been used. The chasis was from an old toy car. The L293d motor driver has been used for driving the motors. It is logic based and makes no use of a microcontroller. Enjoy

Line Follower using IR sensors (no microcontroller)

Hello there LMRians!!! Here is my first robot. This is an LM324 comparator based line follower robot. It uses a pair of analog IR sensors. A power supply board consisting a 7805 IC has been used. The chasis was from an old toy car. The L293d motor driver has been used for driving the motors. It is logic based and makes no use of a microcontroller. Enjoy

Follows lines using IR sensors

  • Actuators / output devices: Gear motors
  • Control method: Infra Red
  • CPU: LM324 comparator
  • Operating system: none
  • Power source: 1.2v Ni-Cd x 6
  • Programming language: none
  • Sensors / input devices: Analog IR Sensors
  • Target environment: indoor
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