Light Following Robot

Posted on 15/12/2012 by irfan
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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The gear motor wheels, multi-directional wheel and the plastic sheet. I cut out 6 x 13 cm plastic for base. Glued the wheels to make the body and connected the motors to the components. After its completed.  Robot Schematic     

Light Following Robot

The gear motor wheels, multi-directional wheel and the plastic sheet. I cut out 6 x 13 cm plastic for base.

Glued the wheels to make the body and connected the motors to the components.

After its completed. 

Robot Schematic



Light Following Robot without using microcontroller. This wheeled robot does not avoid collision. It runs towards the light or just brighter areas.

  • Control method: non-autonomous, moves toward the light or bright areas
  • Sensors / input devices: 2x LDR, 2x BC547 Transistors, 2x 2 x 30 ohms Resistors, 2 x Gear motor wheels, 1 x multi-directional wheel, 9 volt Battery.
  • Target environment: indoor
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