
Posted on 09/10/2009 by mechgeek2000
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Main Goal : To listen for a knock at the door and then notify the human occupant of the house.  Eventually will be an AUV, complete with charging station.  Sensors not yet implemented :  Voltage sensors Hall  Effect Sensors on the front idlers (ordere) Sonar Range Finder IR Range Finder PIR sensor    From Leo the Bot Ghetto Hinges or how to upcycle your soda can into bad bot parts   Got them replaced with regular hinges but still need to replace the back bumper, I'll post a pic of ...


Main Goal : To listen for a knock at the door and then notify the human occupant of the house.  Eventually will be an AUV, complete with charging station.

 Sensors not yet implemented :

 Voltage sensors

Hall  Effect Sensors on the front idlers (ordere)

Sonar Range Finder

IR Range Finder

PIR sensor 


From Leo the Bot

 Ghetto Hinges or how to upcycle your soda can into bad bot parts


Got them replaced with regular hinges but still need to replace the back bumper, I'll post a pic of it if anybody is interested.


Goes bump in the night

  • Actuators / output devices: Tamiya twin gearbox
  • CPU: arduino 328
  • Operating system: C
  • Power source: one 9V battery for MCU
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: two front bumper switches, rear bumper switch, mesmic 2125 Accelerometer
  • Target environment: indoor on smooth surfaces
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