La Tostadora!
This is my 2nd bot. The first was a tracked obstacle avoidance guy but he lacked personality. When the toaster stopped working I figured it was a good opportunity to make a new one!
The tracks are from a dollar store Erector Set knockoff bulldozer kit and they're powered by 2 hobby servos modified for continuous rotation. 2 other servos control the sensor head. One raises the head and the other rotates it.
I plan on changing the voltage regulator to a DC/DC converter and maybe going with a Tamiya gearbox/tread setup in the future.
If I can pull it off I'd also like to make a mechanism that would raise/lower the wheels or treads into the chassis so he would appear to be a normal toaster until activated.. My own personal transformer!
I don't like the fact that he's 100% defensless in a dangerous world either so I may add a fork launcher to the 2nd slot.
It's controlled by a home made Atmega 328 board that I put together:
I added a video of the head "nodding". I thought it turned out pretty well!
Still a long way to go...
Wow, it's been THREE MONTHS since I worked on la toastadora! I had to scrap some of the inside mechanism to make room for retractible treads. So far the mechanisms are coming along but the code is something else...
Under her skirt:
See, she DOES have a figure!
Makes toast
- Actuators / output devices: 4 servos
- Control method: autonomous
- CPU: atMega8
- Operating system: Arduino
- Power source: 7, 2 V 3300 mAh racing pack
- Sensors / input devices: HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
- Target environment: kitchen