KUBOT - Body

Posted on 16/07/2012 by fcetin
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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KUBOT is my humanoid robot (attempt) and also my first robot! I first decided to make a robotic arm as a beginner. Then tought, why not making two of them connected to a torso and a head top of it. It become a great experience for me. I had encountered with many failures. For example, I tried to make a good gripper but failed always. It can hardly carry about 30 gr at the tips of the arms. Arms have 5 DOF and Head 2DOF. There were servo-activated mouth and eyes. I had great ...

KUBOT - Body

KUBOT is my humanoid robot (attempt) and also my first robot! I first decided to make a robotic arm as a beginner. Then tought, why not making two of them connected to a torso and a head top of it. It become a great experience for me. I had encountered with many failures. For example, I tried to make a good gripper but failed always. It can hardly carry about 30 gr at the tips of the arms. Arms have 5 DOF and Head 2DOF. There were servo-activated mouth and eyes. I had great dreams on that robot but now it's a project standing on one side on the workshop.

Parts of Robot:

 - 3mm, 5mm and 10 mm Laser-cut-Acrylic sheets

 - 4 x Hextronik HX12K (15kgcm, 55gr)

 - 7 x Hobbyking HK15148 (2.5kgcm, 17gr) 

 - Some Plastic Bearings for each servo

 - DFRobot's SSC32 Controller

 - Arduino UNO

 - Easy VR VoiceRecognition Shield

 - Ultrasonic Sensor 

 - 2 x Tilt sensor

 - IR Motion Sensor

 - 2 x Sound Sensor


  • Actuators / output devices: rc servos
  • Control method: Serial Port, ssc-32
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: ultrasonic, sound sensor
  • Target environment: indoor
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