krOnchBot - guiding my first steps into robotics

Posted on 31/03/2014 by docrobo
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hi! I am a recent robotic hobbyist and started learning this week only. So pardon my simple designs. With the limited time and material that I have at my disposal, I was able to make this current robot. The basic structure rests on a computer "mouse" to which I have added few CDs as wheels. I call this "krOnchBot" - which is a character of Hindu mythology - mouse of Lord Ganesh. Thus compiling the east and the west. Materials needed1 x Arduino uno1 x Servo1 x L293D motor driver2 x Geared motors1 ...

krOnchBot - guiding my first steps into robotics

Hi! I am a recent robotic hobbyist and started learning this week only. So pardon my simple designs. With the limited time and material that I have at my disposal, I was able to make this current robot. The basic structure rests on a computer "mouse" to which I have added few CDs as wheels. I call this "krOnchBot" - which is a character of Hindu mythology - mouse of Lord Ganesh. Thus compiling the east and the west.

Materials needed

  • 1 x Arduino uno
  • 1 x Servo
  • 1 x L293D motor driver
  • 2 x Geared motors
  • 1 x Sharp GP2D12 analogue distance sensor
  • 1 x Computer mouse
  • 4 x CDs
  • 2 x Bottle cans
  • 2 x Batteries (9V, 6V)
  • 1 x Battery holder
  • 2 x Battery connector
  • 6 x Jumper wires: male to male
  • 1 x USB cord
  • 1 x Glue gun
  • 1 x Soldering iron
  • and a little bit of imagination.

Circuit diagram: Attached

Code for arduino programming: Attached

Just be sure that sometimes the code for motors need a change as one might connect them to alternate motors.
Thanks to all the community members for their vluable posts and detailed model designings. Hope to make something better and useful.

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