
Posted on 18/02/2011 by kevinvr
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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I bought the ER1 when I was in Taiwan in 2002 and it cost me just over USD $1000.00 with shipping. The acer notebook cost about USD $800.00 in Taiwan. I have rebuilt it about 3 times , but this time I built it with the notebook at a higher level so I can sit in a chair and use it instead of lying on the floor :). I have Zabaware Ultrahal conversation software on it and 3 sharp sensors which I still need to connect. I only get time during the vacations to work on it so it s a very long and ongoing ...


I bought the ER1 when I was in Taiwan in 2002 and it cost me just over USD $1000.00 with shipping. The acer notebook cost about USD $800.00 in Taiwan. I have rebuilt it about 3 times , but this time I built it with the notebook at a higher level so I can sit in a chair and use it instead of lying on the floor :). I have Zabaware Ultrahal conversation software on it and 3 sharp sensors which I still need to connect. I only get time during the vacations to work on it so it s a very long and ongoing project. I am learning C# so maybe someday I can write my own API program for it. At the moment I am using the installed behavior programs to run it. Kevin

navigate via commands and/or over the internet

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 motors
  • Control method: Autonomus, various, over the internet, direct with commands
  • CPU: Acer Aspire 1200
  • Operating system: Windows XP SP3
  • Power source: 12 v battery
  • Programming language: VB
  • Sensors / input devices: 2 cameras
  • Target environment: Indoor so far
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