JR - 1 (Joe's First Robot)

Posted on 05/03/2010 by jkeneally
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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  This is my first completed robot hence the name JR-1.  I used 1/4 inch melamine for the body and bick pen sections and bolts for the risers. The motos are K'NEX motor and gearbox combinations.  The tires are also from K'NEX.  I hot glued two tires together for each side to give it some width.  The tires were "open" on the inside anyway and this fixed that problem! The rear caster was $1.99 from Harbor Freight and looks super!  I put the Arduino and the Adafruit motor shield ...

JR - 1 (Joe's First Robot)


This is my first completed robot hence the name JR-1.  I used 1/4 inch melamine for the body and bick pen sections and bolts for the risers.

The motos are K'NEX motor and gearbox combinations.  The tires are also from K'NEX.  I hot glued two tires together for each side to give it some width.  The tires were "open" on the inside anyway and this fixed that problem!

The rear caster was $1.99 from Harbor Freight and looks super! 

I put the Arduino and the Adafruit motor shield on top of the risers and the batteries underr the riser.  The arduino runs of a case with 3 AA and the motor shield runs off a 6 volt rechargable RC pack.

I added a couple of toggle switches to turn the Arduino and the motor shield on and off.  I plan to add a servo to the Sharf to maximize object detection.  For now this is it.  Next --  a HEXAPOD!!!

Navigate arround via IR

  • Actuators / output devices: K'NEX Gear drives
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Arduino Duemilanove and Adafruit Motor shield
  • Operating system: C
  • Power source: 3 AA and a 6 volt RC pack
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR Distance sensor
  • Target environment: Anywhere!
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