Jimmy the 21st Century Robot 3D Printed Shell

Posted on 03/07/2015 by hogsqueal
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Currently I'm working in Intel's Jimmy 21st Century Robot 3D Printed Shell, since I do not have the correct dimensions, the files are parametric and were created in OpenSCAD. Actually the head movements is controlled by 3 9g micro servos. Between the sensors used are: a Gyro - Accelerometer, a PIR for the robot eyes, a Temperature and Humidity sensor, a couple Microphone sensors for sound detection, and an Ambient Light sensor. For communication I have available an Emic2 for provide voice to the ...

Jimmy the 21st Century Robot 3D Printed Shell

Currently I'm working in Intel's Jimmy 21st Century Robot 3D Printed Shell, since I do not have the correct dimensions, the files are parametric and were created in OpenSCAD. Actually the head movements is controlled by 3 9g micro servos. Between the sensors used are: a Gyro - Accelerometer, a PIR for the robot eyes, a Temperature and Humidity sensor, a couple Microphone sensors for sound detection, and an Ambient Light sensor. For communication I have available an Emic2 for provide voice to the robot and a RGB LED for status and emotions. The comunication will be: a Wi-Fi module for IoT and bluetooth. All this is only for the section of the robot's head, the next level will be the torso of the robot.

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