JARR - Just Another Roving Robot

Posted on 25/03/2013 by ku4tp
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Just what it says - a rover / line follower used for experimentation and learning. I'll post the code somewhere if anyone is interested, but don't expect anything spectacular or elegant.  Especially the line follower code. Other than the boiler-plate stuff I'm writing it from scratch.  The servos for the wheels are driven by an amtel chip with arduino bootloader.  It is basically an arduino with no serial / USB circuitry.  The main Arduino sends a 3 bit code to tell the motion ...

JARR - Just Another Roving Robot

Just what it says - a rover / line follower used for experimentation and learning. I'll post the code somewhere if anyone is interested, but don't expect anything spectacular or elegant.  Especially the line follower code. Other than the boiler-plate stuff I'm writing it from scratch.  The servos for the wheels are driven by an amtel chip with arduino bootloader.  It is basically an arduino with no serial / USB circuitry.  The main Arduino sends a 3 bit code to tell the motion board how to drive the platform.  Makes doing most of the main code easier, with the exception of the line following code.  This is an on going project.

Here is the first itteration of JARR.  (Mk 1, if you will...)



I'll upload a current picture later.

Just a Rover / line follower. A platform for idea testing and experimenting

  • Actuators / output devices: continuous rotation servos drive wheels.
  • CPU: arduino uno
  • Power source: 7.2V NiCad
  • Programming language: Wiring (Arduino)
  • Sensors / input devices: Ping! sensor, IR sensors on bottom, more as time goes on...
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