It's My First Robot

Posted on 21/05/2010 by john_ewart
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is my first robot. It just avoids things based on the data returned by the IR sensor on the front. I wanted this robot to be VERY simple (and it is) so that I could learn from it - then develop more complex ones as my abilities grow. Funnily enough, I found the programming and electronics the most straightforward ... it's the mechanics of the thing that I struggled with. I know I could have bought the chassis as a kit ... but that's cheating don't you think? The robot simply travels in a straight ...

It's My First Robot

This is my first robot. It just avoids things based on the data returned by the IR sensor on the front.

I wanted this robot to be VERY simple (and it is) so that I could learn from it - then develop more complex ones as my abilities grow. Funnily enough, I found the programming and electronics the most straightforward ... it's the mechanics of the thing that I struggled with. I know I could have bought the chassis as a kit ... but that's cheating don't you think?

The robot simply travels in a straight (ish) line until the values returned by the IR sensor reach a certain threshold value. The software then generates a random number and, based on this 'virtual coin toss', decides whether to turn left or right. Then it carries on until a new obstacle is met.

It was fun to make - and a real buzz when it worked. I'm ready to make something a little more exciting now (are they ever as exciting as your first one?)

avoids obstacles

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