
Posted on 12/08/2010 by ustchuh
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is a project for a competition called "robogame" held by studuents in USTC.It's a five-member team and I'm one of the team .We want to make a robot which can solve Rubik's cube problems and do some other jobs(Our main purpose is to make a humanoid robot solving Rubik's cube problems ).we have finished design in July.Now we are working to build it .     


This is a project for a competition called "robogame" held by studuents in USTC.It's a five-member team and I'm one of the team .We want to make a robot which can solve Rubik's cube problems and do some other jobs(Our main purpose is to make a humanoid robot solving Rubik's cube problems ).we have finished design in July.Now we are working to build it . 



solve Rubik's cube problem

  • Actuators / output devices: stepper motors, servo(MG945)
  • Control method: Semi-Controlled
  • CPU: Atmel ATMega16, CPU of notebook
  • Operating system: widnows/linux
  • Power source: 12V motorocycle battery for stepper motor.7.2V battery for servo
  • Programming language: C/C++
  • Sensors / input devices: USB webcam
  • Target environment: indoor
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