Ice-cream stick robot

Posted on 11/08/2011 by roboteshop
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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In preparation for the School Education Expo in September 2011 ( in Sydney/Australia we at RoboteShop ( wanted a robot that would inspire students, teachers and parents into robotics. So we wanted something that was affordable and easy to make. I started with the electronics from Innovati's RQ-5 Paper robot kit for two reasons; The kit is cheap The electronics included 1 servo, IR sensors, buzzer and more importantly an interface board that included 3 servo ports. ...

Ice-cream stick robot

In preparation for the School Education Expo in September 2011 ( in Sydney/Australia we at RoboteShop ( wanted a robot that would inspire students, teachers and parents into robotics. So we wanted something that was affordable and easy to make.

I started with the electronics from Innovati's RQ-5 Paper robot kit for two reasons;

  1. The kit is cheap
  2. The electronics included 1 servo, IR sensors, buzzer and more importantly an interface board that included 3 servo ports.

I didn't exactly know what I could do with the servos, but the more the better. Then I saw Karl Williams book called Insectronics which featured a hexapod that only used three servos to move 6 legs. All I needed now was two more servos and something to make the body.

With absolutely no skill when it comes to metal sheet working, I wanted a robot made of something that I couldn't hurt myself with. I was going to try and make it out of paper, but I'm no good at origami (and I might get a paper cut). However, since I know how to accidently glue my fingers together, I felt confident I could glue other things together as well.

So I got a bag of colored ice-cream sticks and split-pins from a craft shop. I was looking for the plain gold split-pins, but all they had were the colored flower ones (my mother in law gave me a funny look when I told her I'm going to use them to build a robot). Instead of using nuts and bolts for the pivot points I was confident I could do this with simple split-pins.

My design process ran in parallel with by build and my unit of measure was ice-cream sticks. The body, as you can see in the photo is 1x1 stick in size and everything else is 1/2, 1/4 sticks. None of that fancy stuff like measure twice, cut once.

Everything was hot glued together, servos to frame, legs to servo. I did make one major error. The legs were originally 1 stick high, but the center of gravity was so high that it would always fall over after a couple of steps. This is because the walking gait had the robot shuffle back and forth.

To fix this, I lowered the robot as much as possible, as you can see the middle legs are stumpy and the rest have been chopped. Luckily I had a heat gun laying around (for renovating) and I was able to use this to re-melt the glue (without burning the wood) which allowed me to remove the legs and chop them.

Although the EV8 is pre-programmed in the RQ-5 Paper Robot, there is an EV8 writer available that allows users to load new programs. I used the writer to create a small program to use the IR sensors to avoid objects. Originally the sensors were both facing forward and the robot wasn't behaving properly, but when I angled them slightly to the sides, the results were much better.

I've included a text file that contains the program used in the video. As you can see in the main loop, the light sensor on the robot has been commented out. But I wrote it so that the robot would activate in light and stop in the dark. You can imagine a beam from a hand light hitting the robot in a dark room, the robot would suddenly start to move! If you have any questions about this project let me know.

Michael Gruber

Hexapod robot which uses infrared sensors to avoid objects

  • Actuators / output devices: 3x 8g servos, 1x electric buzzer
  • Control method: autonomous obstacle avoidance navigation
  • CPU: Innovati EV8 controller, RQ-5 Paper Robot interface board
  • Operating system: Innovati innoBASIC
  • Power source: 4xAAA batteries
  • Programming language: Innovati innoBASIC
  • Sensors / input devices: IR receiver and light sensor
  • Target environment: cheap, diy, homemade
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