I Suppose Every Newbie MUST Make One.......

Posted on 19/10/2010 by kelpy
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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I'm not sure if it is mandatory, but I just had to make one for the fun of it. :) Incidentally, the antennae are hairs from my 80lb dog. He was not best pleased at being plucked! (Blue-Bot has had some paint (well, felt tip) since the video)

I Suppose Every Newbie MUST Make One.......

I'm not sure if it is mandatory, but I just had to make one for the fun of it. :)

Incidentally, the antennae are hairs from my 80lb dog. He was not best pleased at being plucked!

(Blue-Bot has had some paint (well, felt tip) since the video)

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