I bet you had NO idea that this is my first build....

Posted on 31/01/2014 by ihavenoideawhatimdoing
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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  This is my new friend Edgar. He is a mockup of the LMR starter kit from solarbotics and a 10$ Strandbeest bought on ebay. As you can see i have replaced the wheels with two half's of the strandbeest, which i have attached to the motors with a healthy dose of glue. I do have some problems however. I am afraid that Edgar is blind due to me hooking up the Sharp sensor backwards. Multiple times. And to the wrong pins. Yeah i know im not the best at this. But as soon as i´v bought a new sensor ...

I bet you had NO idea that this is my first build....


This is my new friend Edgar. He is a mockup of the LMR starter kit from solarbotics and a 10$ Strandbeest bought on ebay. As you can see i have replaced the wheels with two half's of the strandbeest, which i have attached to the motors with a healthy dose of glue. I do have some problems however. I am afraid that Edgar is blind due to me hooking up the Sharp sensor backwards. Multiple times. And to the wrong pins. Yeah i know im not the best at this. But as soon as i´v bought a new sensor he should (theoretically) be up and running as planed. For now however iv made some simple code just to see him move around and simulate some sort of purpose, much to my enjoyment he moves like a spider who have some serious drinking issues.

While i wait for his new eyes to arrive i plan to attatch some sound activated LED´s that i made, these came as a part of a "learn how to solder" kit i bought a while ago in preparation for building this robot. However i have not gotten it to work, my plan was to replace the original + and - wires with the same kind of wires used to attach the motors and such and this part has worked out, problem is i have no idea if it possible to make it work and if so which pins im supposed to connect it to and how to program some power to go to it. You can find the LED´s discribed in my attached images and if you have any pointers feel free to tell me! :)


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