Huckstable 1 - Theo Jansen Inspired Walker

Posted on 15/09/2009 by clreina
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Here is a large prototype of a robot inspired by the Theo Jansen walkers.  The four legs are controlled by servo and interfaced through a Parallax server controller.  Because it is only a prototype, I am using the Parallax sumo bot microcontroller. The final bot will have a styren half circular shell with close proximity object detection towards it's left and right.  Perhaps I will add a swivel mounted sonar for fun, but probably not as this is a prototype for a much smaller (less then 2"x2"x2") ...

Huckstable 1 - Theo Jansen Inspired Walker

Here is a large prototype of a robot inspired by the Theo Jansen walkers.  The four legs are controlled by servo and interfaced through a Parallax server controller.  Because it is only a prototype, I am using the Parallax sumo bot microcontroller. The final bot will have a styren half circular shell with close proximity object detection towards it's left and right.  Perhaps I will add a swivel mounted sonar for fun, but probably not as this is a prototype for a much smaller (less then 2"x2"x2") version.  The legs are made of aluminum bars and fasteners.  The chassis is made of Lexan (I think, it was in the scrap pile) 

I was inspired to build this robot when I first saw Jansen's sand creatures.  The organic motion of those legs captivated me.  

My robot differs from Jansen's designs in that each leg has it's own pivot.  This was to help experement, although on the final small design, i will use only two drives for all four legs.   


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