Homemade Bartender
Made in my idle time, As you can see in the video ( I apologize for the quality. Before I take a good snap, the chip burntout,I will have to buy a new one(Uno),Anyway, I hope it will give you the basic idea about how it works) the concept is simple, the sensor is constantly feeding Arduino about any object it can detect. which is telling the two servos in the hand how much to rotate.
The 2 basic challange was to make a strong design to overcome the shaky feeling (which still requires lots of work) and mapping the movement of glass and the servo rotation so it does pour the drink on your mug, not spill it on your pant. I still have works to do on this one. Hopefully I will give you an update in january.
Cheers !!!!!!!
Serves you drink, Sometimes goes berserk