Posted on 23/09/2008 by khalchris
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is my first fire fighting robot,actually its the second one built  here in jordan and first in my university J.U.S.T,its really hard to design one when you know nothing but with time all can be solved,using 2 DC geared motors,PIC16F877,SRF05 placed on a servo,TPA81 flame sensor placed also on a servo,L298N H-bridge to control the Motors,fire extinguisher,tubular solenoid ,2-3 12 v Dc battery and some designs i managed to start,its not finished yet and am still working and testing to get the ...


This is my first fire fighting robot,actually its the second one built  here in jordan and first in my university J.U.S.T,its really hard to design one when you know nothing but with time all can be solved,using 2 DC geared motors,PIC16F877,SRF05 placed on a servo,TPA81 flame sensor placed also on a servo,L298N H-bridge to control the Motors,fire extinguisher,tubular solenoid ,2-3 12 v Dc battery and some designs i managed to start,its not finished yet and am still working and testing to get the best performance,if any one can advise me or give me some ideas i will be glad to hear them,also any help that you can offer to me will be very important to me,wish you all luck in your robot inventions.....

Khaled Yasin


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