Holiday's Robotic Arm Project
Hello guys!
Today (September 7th) is holiday in Brazil (Independence Day) and a good day to make some robotic stuff. And as I'm waiting to got more servos to continue my biped project Godo, I've decided to make some stuff with simple things that I have at home.
As I always wanted to make a robotic arm, today this comes to my head.
I wanted to build it very simple, utilizing only re-usable parts. And the control method is very simple too, and, one more time, utilizing the PlayStation 2 controller.
Some things that I utilized:
- Arduino UNO;
- DFRobot I/O Expansion;
- Jumper wires;
- 6 servos: 1x HS-645MG, 1x HS-5245MG, 2x HS-82Mg, 2x SG90;
- 4x AA 1,2V 2500mAh;
- Tamiya universal plate and arms;
- Lynxmotion nylon standoffs;
- 2x DIY polystyrene servo brackets that I've maded for project Godo.
The intention was to make more simple as possible. So, it looks not so good. But makes some hours of fun.
Catch things
- Control method: Non autonomous, with PS2 controller
- CPU: arduino uno