hexapod - [phoenix]

Posted on 16/11/2010 by hardmouse
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Well, this is the hexapod that basically I just read the instruction and finish it. How I finish it? how it works? I don't know~ LOL! But this is where I start build my own robot and start knowing Arduino, Phidgets, Picaxe and those electronic stuff etc. The only part that I made is the HEAD. The mouse head~ I destroy the PS2 receiver case and a jet looking mouse, then put the receiver and couple LEDs inside of the mouse and it actually looks like a HEAD. There's a sequences named" CP Player" ...

hexapod - [phoenix]

Well, this is the hexapod that basically I just read the instruction and finish it. How I finish it? how it works? I don't know~ LOL! But this is where I start build my own robot and start knowing Arduino, Phidgets, Picaxe and those electronic stuff etc.

The only part that I made is the HEAD. The mouse head~ I destroy the PS2 receiver case and a jet looking mouse, then put the receiver and couple LEDs inside of the mouse and it actually looks like a HEAD.

There's a sequences named" CP Player" could do much more tricks. I still not able to figure how it works yet. It surprise me that it use Excel to do the program!! Wow! It's like doing the animation by using powerpoint instead of Flash! It's amazing. Hope I can figure that out someday.

Combine the body. This is a bit complex for a total electronic idiot.

Put the leg and adjust it a bit.

All six leg had been adjust by "LynxTerm"

This is the most difficult part for me. Code it into hardware.

The original receiver had been replaced.
I was thinking to add teeth, but... forget it~


I know this bot is not even 3% of my own work but that was the 1st time I complete a cool working robot. Just thought LMR is a good place for those robot footage all around the world so I post it up here. If this is not a proper place to post please let me know and I will remove it ASAP. Still newbie here :P


  • Actuators / output devices: 18 645MG servos
  • Control method: Wireless PS2 controller
  • CPU: BASIC Atom Pro 28 - Bot Board II - SSC-32 Servo Controller
  • Power source: 7.2V lipo
  • Sensors / input devices: Joystick
  • Target environment: flat ground
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