Hex 1.1, the hexapod

Posted on 06/12/2009 by patrickmccabe
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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*** 1.1 update  ***  The hexapod now has some better code for sensing. The hexapod makes a 360 spin which it takes as 9 point turns. At each point it takes a reading. It compares all the readings and decides which way is best. In the video i demonstrate this with a small gap for the robot to go through. The robot basically is making a simple map, very simple, and finding the biggest hole to go through. The robot still has its curve to the left i need to fix. When that is fixed then this code will ...

Hex 1.1, the hexapod

*** 1.1 update  ***

 The hexapod now has some better code for sensing. The hexapod makes a 360 spin which it takes as 9 point turns. At each point it takes a reading. It compares all the readings and decides which way is best. In the video i demonstrate this with a small gap for the robot to go through. The robot basically is making a simple map, very simple, and finding the biggest hole to go through. The robot still has its curve to the left i need to fix. When that is fixed then this code will be much better in that it wont run into things by curving into them. The next update i will be showing a rc mode i plan on doing with a controller i will blog. 



 This is my first robot with legs.I do have RBBB (http://wulfden.org/TheShoppe/freeduino/rbbb.shtml)  It uses a sharp sensor to detect objects and then decides the best way to go. When the robot runs into something, it first turns right and makes a reading, then it turns left and makes a reading. If the right reading is greater then it will go right, if the left  reading is greater, then it will go left (which means just straight, because it is already left ;)) if they are equal then it goes left. You can see this in the video. Just pay attention to its movements. If anyone would like the code i can post it but i do not see the use now. The robot does seem to drift to the right, i need to fix that if i can.


I got a desktop band saw friday from Lowes here in the USA. I used this to cut out all the parts for this robot.

 The saw plus some lexan and 5 of the 8 servos i bought for 99 cents a piece on sale, and you have my robot.


found this lexan at The Home Depot here in the USA. And now i think all my projects will be made of lexan :)





 you can see my little power distribution board in the above picture. The orange wires go into the arduino. 


It is not a finished robot yet. I am going to add rc ability to it in a few weeks.  

Walks and navigates with infrared sensor

  • Actuators / output devices: 5 tower pro 9g servos
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Arduino RBBB
  • Power source: 4 AA batteries
  • Programming language: Arduino
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR
  • Target environment: indoor
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