
Posted on 26/01/2015 by daveminecraftian
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Herman is an off-road (Kind of), obstacle avoidance robot using an Arduino Uno. He is based around a plywood chassis and uses balsa and some hard wood in his construction. He has a L293D motor driver chip for the two-motor Tamiya gearbox. He uses a 1000mah 7.4v 2 cell Li-Po battery for the Uno and uses a 2200mah 3.7v Li-Po for the motors. He also uses tamiya tank tracks for his wheels and this allows him to be capable of going up rough terrain, such as piles of DVD boxes. Wonder if Bear Grylls needs ...


Herman is an off-road (Kind of), obstacle avoidance robot using an Arduino Uno. He is based around a plywood chassis and uses balsa and some hard wood in his construction. He has a L293D motor driver chip for the two-motor Tamiya gearbox. He uses a 1000mah 7.4v 2 cell Li-Po battery for the Uno and uses a 2200mah 3.7v Li-Po for the motors. He also uses tamiya tank tracks for his wheels and this allows him to be capable of going up rough terrain, such as piles of DVD boxes. Wonder if Bear Grylls needs one of these guys? Herman has been complete for about 8 months and has been a useful aid for my coding skills.

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