
Posted on 28/02/2010 by jduino
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is my first working robot as I have had a few other attempts but had problems with the arduino's motor shield (I kinda overheated a few components to the shield causing it to not function properly). Now after all of the testing everything seems to be working. I am using an SRF05 range finder for distance measurements (an interesting thing with this is that I am using the sample code from Arduino to run it and the code is really meant for a ping ultrasonic sensor but works well with the 3 pin ...


This is my first working robot as I have had a few other attempts but had problems with the arduino's motor shield (I kinda overheated a few components to the shield causing it to not function properly). Now after all of the testing everything seems to be working. I am using an SRF05 range finder for distance measurements (an interesting thing with this is that I am using the sample code from Arduino to run it and the code is really meant for a ping ultrasonic sensor but works well with the 3 pin mode on the SRF05), one 5v servo for the head, 2 GM9 motors with wheels (I actually screwed the wheels on and used epoxy because my screws didn't seem to go very deep into the gear motor) , a 1/2" ball caster as a tail wheel, and the chassis is just a sheet of thin wood. It also has a 7 segment LED display that runs during startup and I will probably add code to let it do other things as well. I was going to use the Arduino Mega for this project but ran across a problem, for some reason the Mega didn't seem to like the servo library and so the servo I was using for the head wasn't working, I am going to have to look into that later but for now the Duemilanove seems to be working just fine. Other than that there is not much to say this was a quite simple robot although the coding was took way too long and ended up needing a little help it now runs quite smoothly roaming the house as long as it doesn't find the stairs because it doesn't have any sort of cliff detection.

Autonomous robot via ultrasound

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 gear motors and 1 servo
  • CPU: Arduino Duemilanove (328)
  • Power source: one 9 volt for logic and battery pack for motor
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF05 Ultra Sound
  • Target environment: indoor
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