Help! Recalcitrant Jiggle Bot

Posted on 10/04/2011 by emma
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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  Help! What am I doing wrong? I have checked the connections for bogus soldering, checked the circuit plan a zillion times, checked the transistors to be sure they were in the right place, checked with a battery that the motor works and that the wiring worked in the circuit, checked to see if the recycled solar cell was giving juice.   BUT what I did not follow in the diagram is the use of just one capacitor. Are there hooked up screwy? I thought they were in parallel...and I thought ...

Help! Recalcitrant Jiggle Bot


Help! What am I doing wrong? I have checked the connections for bogus soldering, checked the circuit plan a zillion times, checked the transistors to be sure they were in the right place, checked with a battery that the motor works and that the wiring worked in the circuit, checked to see if the recycled solar cell was giving juice.


BUT what I did not follow in the diagram is the use of just one capacitor. Are there hooked up screwy? I thought they were in parallel...and I thought that was OK. I just wanted a good strong motor response to cause the jiggling.

The negative cap leads are on a shared wire that leads to what it should.  Ditto the pos cap leads.


companion bot...jiggles once in awhile to keep you company

  • Actuators / output devices: SE
  • Target environment: near your reading chair
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