HeinyBot 2.0 Robotic Waiter

Posted on 26/03/2012 by becdanek
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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HeinyBot 2.0, robot waiter in process of construction 100%. Four modes of operation provided. Manual, Static Waiter, Dynamic Waiter and Presentation. In manual mode using the remote control presented in this forum, section Something else. I promise more videos. Greetings.

HeinyBot 2.0 Robotic Waiter

HeinyBot 2.0, robot waiter in process of construction 100%. Four modes of operation provided. Manual, Static Waiter, Dynamic Waiter and Presentation. In manual mode using the remote control presented in this forum, section Something else. I promise more videos.


Serves beer cans (or any other can).

  • Actuators / output devices: 18 servos, 2 motorgear
  • Control method: Manual and autonomous
  • CPU: PIC18F4550, pic18f452, pic16f877a (all smd)
  • Power source: 1 x LiPo 11.1V, 2200mA
  • Programming language: mikrobasic pro
  • Sensors / input devices: xbee, 4 Sharp IR, 1 CNY70
  • Target environment: indoor
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