GPS Guided R/C Truck

Posted on 29/03/2017 by kirk
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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First robot. Hacking up examples from everywhere and putting them together. Have discovered some neat things to share with other trying to do this. Working on the sonar obstical avoidance solution now. Throttle controlled by software or governed thru Hall sensor rpm vs what you are asking for speed. Reverse was strange to get working as it needs to get a 15ms bump forward then it goes backwards. It is from a Mad R/C 1/5 scale truck that is now discontinued. All the screws are so soft the hex heads ...

GPS Guided R/C Truck

First robot. Hacking up examples from everywhere and putting them together.

Have discovered some neat things to share with other trying to do this.

Working on the sonar obstical avoidance solution now.

Throttle controlled by software or governed thru Hall sensor rpm vs what you are asking for speed.

Reverse was strange to get working as it needs to get a 15ms bump forward then it goes backwards.

It is from a Mad R/C 1/5 scale truck that is now discontinued. All the screws are so soft the hex heads stip very easy so replaced with stainless where needed.

Balanced the wheels with R/C aircraft prob balancer. Replaced the M1 pinion gear with a 9 tooth from 13 stock. Need it to go slow.

Using MegunoLink filter.h to smooth out crazy compass jitter that they all seem to do. I modified the LSM303 library to do it. File is attached.

Arduino work is with Arduino 1.8.5. Has multiple tabs, trying to keep it clean and simple.

Throttle govenor works, rpm sensor works, R/C controll woks, just turn raidio off to go autonomous. LCD display works and is easyly extended to display more values with switch case.

Let me know what you think.

Made a video on youtube, the embeded link not being accepted by this sites video add, so putting in here:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

or just

will navigate by gps and compass

  • CPU: Arduino DUE
  • Programming language: C++
  • Sensors / input devices: GPS, Maxbotix EZ1, LSM303
  • Target environment: outdoor
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