Gizmo your first steampunk robot

Posted on 21/11/2014 by nschreiber0813
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Dear: LMR Just to let you know I have been developing for the past month a steampunk robot. I have finished the mechanical and moving onto electrical and software. I am using arduino uno and arduino and the following materials. List of materials. 2 * Red LED3 * Green LED1 * 9" by 9" cardboard sheet.1 * 3" by 3" cardboard sheet.Lots of gears.Lots of bolts and nuts.TapeSo wish me good luck and enjoy the video. *****UPDATE 4/18/2015***** Dear: LMR You should know my progress is coming along fine. Just ...

Gizmo your first steampunk robot

Dear: LMR

Just to let you know I have been developing for the past month a steampunk robot. I have finished the mechanical and moving onto electrical and software. I am using arduino uno and arduino and the following materials.

List of materials.

  • 2 * Red LED
  • 3 * Green LED
  • 1 * 9" by 9" cardboard sheet.
  • 1 * 3" by 3" cardboard sheet.
  • Lots of gears.
  • Lots of bolts and nuts.
  • Tape

So wish me good luck and enjoy the video.

*****UPDATE 4/18/2015*****

Dear: LMR

You should know my progress is coming along fine. Just to let you know I am very sorry it took me so long to get as far as I did. In my defense this is my first robot and I ran into a lot of problems sourcing parts, building the robot, and remaining on task and for that I hope you don't hold against me for that. Anyways I finished the code and some of the electronics. The only problem is I am running into power issues which I am sure I can figure out. Enjoy!!!

From: Noah

#include <Servo.h>

#include <IRremote.h>

int IRpin = A0;

IRrecv irrecv(IRpin);

decode_results results;


Servo myServoLeft;

Servo myServoRight;

void setup() {

  // put your setup code here, to run once:


  Serial.println("IR Results");




void loop() {

  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

  if (irrecv.decode(&results))



    Serial.println(results.value, DEC);




void translateIR()


  switch (results.value)



    case 3459683302:

      Serial.println("Robot Pause");



    case 1400905448:

      Serial.println("Robot Move Right");



    case 3305092678:

      Serial.println("Robot Move Backwards");

      RobotMove(0, 180);


    case 1972149634:

      Serial.println("Robot Move Left");



    case 3261853764:

      Serial.println("Robot Move Forward");





void RobotMove(int directionRight, int directionLeft)


  if (!myServoLeft.attached())




  if (!myServoRight.attached())







void RobotStop(bool rightServoAttached, bool leftServoAttached)


  if (myServoLeft.attached() && leftServoAttached == true)




  if (myServoRight.attached() && rightServoAttached == true)





Looks cool and is RC!!!

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