freddy alpha

Posted on 24/06/2008 by seafoxx
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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okay folks, i fell in love with the TYDM from fritsl, the version II ist so amazing, i simply wanted to build one myself. so i started wit the tutorial (thanks fritsl, your tutorials and tricks are really helpful!). only problem: it's not very easy to get the right parts here in germany, so i ordered some stuff in the uk (which was delivered VERY fast), some stuff at solarbotics (est. end of july :) and some other parts from italy. but i didn't want to wait for the delivery, so i went shopping and ...

freddy alpha

okay folks,

i fell in love with the TYDM from fritsl, the version II ist so amazing, i simply wanted to build one myself. so i started wit the tutorial (thanks fritsl, your tutorials and tricks are really helpful!). only problem: it's not very easy to get the right parts here in germany, so i ordered some stuff in the uk (which was delivered VERY fast), some stuff at solarbotics (est. end of july :) and some other parts from italy. but i didn't want to wait for the delivery, so i went shopping and bought the 'essential' parts from a local dealer.there was no geared motor, so i bought two 'vario' transmissions that can be adjusted. and some really big wheels (the biggest i found!). and then i started. everything is mounted on a fat paperboard. the balance is not optimal bu it'll do for now. the next days i'll mount some led's and maybe an old speaker if i find one. maybe i'll visit my parents on weekend and will have a look ath the big LEGO-box, that stuff could be quite useful...





bottom with vario transmission

the same as the tutorial-first-robot

  • Actuators / output devices: 125:1 vario gear (ratio can be changed), micro servo for the head
  • Control method: Full autonomous
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Operating system: Picaxe basic
  • Power source: 4, 4.5V (3AA)
  • Programming language: Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF005
  • Target environment: area with obstacles
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