FredBot 1.0

Posted on 18/02/2011 by will
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hey guys i finally got around to finishing my first robot. Thanks everyone at LMR it would still be in hundreds of pieces without the help from you guys! Simply: it follows a black line. it looks like a bunch of wires and a few chips bluetacked onto a piece of wood but apart from the looks i think it works pretty well. i hope you guys like it, any tips or modifications would be appreciated.   I just added another video. the original video shows the robot with gear ratio 334.2:1 the new video ...

FredBot 1.0

Hey guys i finally got around to finishing my first robot. Thanks everyone at LMR it would still be in hundreds of pieces without the help from you guys! Simply: it follows a black line. it looks like a bunch of wires and a few chips bluetacked onto a piece of wood but apart from the looks i think it works pretty well. i hope you guys like it, any tips or modifications would be appreciated.


I just added another video.

the original video shows the robot with gear ratio 334.2:1 the new video shows the robot running at a gear ratio of 114.7:1.

this makes it a lot faster but it sometimes slips off the line, i also had to increase the operating speed from 8Mhz up to 16Mhz.

Line Following

  • Actuators / output devices: Tamiya double gearbox
  • CPU: Picaxe 20x2
  • Programming language: Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: 2 homemade IR Digital Sensors
  • Target environment: indoor, Flat
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