Fred, an Internet-controlled robot

Posted on 02/01/2011 by walnut49
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hello LMR! My name is Jordan, I'm in grade 12 in Canada, and this is my robot Fred. I won't say he's my first robot. I've built my share of line followers and sumobots over the last couple of years and dabbled in radio controlled manipulators like any geek worth his salt. Fred (and his considerable support system) is the first project I feel good enough to show off a bit! The inspiration for Fred came from an old hackaday post featuring this website which speaks for itself. I did some reading ...

Fred, an Internet-controlled robot

Hello LMR! My name is Jordan, I'm in grade 12 in Canada, and this is my robot Fred.

I won't say he's my first robot. I've built my share of line followers and sumobots over the last couple of years and dabbled in radio controlled manipulators like any geek worth his salt. Fred (and his considerable support system) is the first project I feel good enough to show off a bit!

The inspiration for Fred came from an old hackaday post featuring this website which speaks for itself. I did some reading on wireless data links, Apache servers, HTML, and PHP. One Solarbotics order later my friends are making the thing do the tango on my kitchen floor.

The supporting hardware for running Fred includes a video capture device and a second XBee module connected to an old donated laptop running an Apache server with a PHP script in an iframe. The server is open most of the time for anybody to read more about or drive the robot and can be found here. I apologize in advance for my terribly crappy upstream connection.

I would appreciate any constructive feedback and would be happy to answer any questions :)

Let you explore my basement wirelessly.

  • Actuators / output devices: Tamiya gearbox / tracks, analog video Tx, pan servo
  • Control method: Wireless, by internet clients or other PC software
  • CPU: Solarbotics Ardweeny (Arduino clone)
  • Operating system: Arduino bootloader
  • Power source: 2x 9.6v 1Ah NiCd packs
  • Programming language: Arduino, PHP, HTML
  • Sensors / input devices: XBee PRO, BittyBot 2-way IR, mini analog camera
  • Target environment: indoor
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