
Posted on 21/10/2012 by revbryce
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is my first walker. Named Fluffy. Worked well but for one problem. You should always pay more than $8 for your servos. Had 20 servos, used 8 for the legs added 1 for the torso. Let the magic smoke out of 13 of them then gave up. It used a linxmotion servo controler board and a bluesmirf running off a laptop. Now makes a cool paperwieght. Conclusion Dont ask too much from cheap servos.


This is my first walker.

Named Fluffy.

Worked well but for one problem.

You should always pay more than $8 for your servos.

Had 20 servos, used 8 for the legs added 1 for the torso.

Let the magic smoke out of 13 of them then gave up.

It used a linxmotion servo controler board and a bluesmirf running off

a laptop.

Now makes a cool paperwieght.


Dont ask too much from cheap servos.

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