Posted on 15/06/2011 by tman
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is FLAMEbot. He's a heat seeker. Draw the shades and darken the room. Light a butane lighter and FLAMEbot will follow the heat/light source.  Hold the flame several inches in front of FLAME's diodes until he catches on. You'll know it when he does cause he will start rolling toward the flame. FLAMEbot will also respond to other light sources so it's important for the environment to be dark. I have attached the original circuit sketch offered via the Parallax website. It's amazing ...


This is FLAMEbot. He's a heat seeker. Draw the shades and darken the room. Light a butane lighter and FLAMEbot will follow the heat/light source.  Hold the flame several inches in front of FLAME's diodes until he catches on. You'll know it when he does cause he will start rolling toward the flame. FLAMEbot will also respond to other light sources so it's important for the environment to be dark. I have attached the original circuit sketch offered via the Parallax website. It's amazing just how simple the design is. Just do a search for the flame seeking boebot and you should find the link. Below is the source code.


  ' {$STAMP BS2}

  ' {$PBASIC 2.5}

time VAR Word



 RCTIME 8, 1, time  





Simple circuit...simple code...really cool results.   This project makes it okay to play with matches.  (source:  Parallax.com)

Follows flame with basic I.R. sensors

  • Actuators / output devices: bidirectional...continuous rotation servos
  • CPU: Basic Stamp mounted on BOE
  • Power source: 6VDC via AA
  • Programming language: pbasic
  • Sensors / input devices: I.R. circuit (credit: Parallax Forum)
  • Target environment: table top...floor
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