First Robot, Rover.... and stuff my uncle sent me

Posted on 13/06/2008 by Dencohe
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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I just bought a Ping sensor in radioshack for my arduino thats coming and when i got home i got a box from my uncle... He used to work for northwest airlines fixing computers and engines and has taught me alot so he sent me some of his aircraft electronics.. It included some metal transistors of all types, glass diodes, high precision resistors from vishay with tolerance from .001% and disk caps, photocells, mylar caps (i think), and caps i have never seen before. They say 30uf and -10v... never ...

First Robot, Rover.... and stuff my uncle sent me

I just bought a Ping sensor in radioshack for my arduino thats coming and when i got home i got a box from my uncle... He used to work for northwest airlines fixing computers and engines and has taught me alot so he sent me some of his aircraft electronics.. It included some metal transistors of all types, glass diodes, high precision resistors from vishay with tolerance from .001% and disk caps, photocells, mylar caps (i think), and caps i have never seen before. They say 30uf and -10v... never seen negative caps before... 

Enough of what i got.. im starting with arduino on a bot that can just roll around and detect and avoid objects... im getting my arduino and some motors this weekend and have my magic materials... Paint stirir, piano wire, and foam tape =)


 I just dont know how to include all this stuff i got... anyone got any ideas? 


Will keep updating on when i get more parts and progress 

Note: The Transistors are 2SB75 wich are germanium transistors... i wonder if these are good for a radio or something.... Update: Just got my


Update: Just got my grades back from School. All A's - So my mom gave me her credit card and let me order my next part to my robot.. The low voltage motor controller. The tamiya caster, gearbox, and tire set, a servo to mount my ping , and a pololu chasis. This was all bought from pololu and now comes the hard part the little bit of wiring (not so hard) and the coding (very intensely hard)

Navigate around via Ultrasound

  • Control method: Arduino
  • CPU: Arduino
  • Operating system: Arduino
  • Power source: one 9 volt for logic and batter pack for motor
  • Programming language: C++, C Wiring/assembler - Arduino
  • Sensors / input devices: Ping))) Ultra Sound
  • Target environment: indoor
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