First quadrapod

Posted on 16/10/2008 by fritsl
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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My wife was looking through some video tapes, searching for something as irelevant as our wedding! To my happy surprise she found an old robot project of mine, my first QuadraPod! Not much to say, 8 servos, sticks, testing & fun :) Made before LMR existed. As I remember it was tuned to walk pretty OK, however it was always sot of dragging the legs, due to the way it was constructed.

First quadrapod

My wife was looking through some video tapes, searching for something as irelevant as our wedding! To my happy surprise she found an old robot project of mine, my first QuadraPod!

Not much to say, 8 servos, sticks, testing & fun :) Made before LMR existed.

As I remember it was tuned to walk pretty OK, however it was always sot of dragging the legs, due to the way it was constructed.

Sort of walks on 4 legs

  • Actuators / output devices: 8 servos
  • Control method: none
  • CPU: picaxe 18
  • Operating system: Picaxe
  • Power source: 4 DD cells
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: none
  • Target environment: hard surface
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