
Posted on 02/03/2015 by djung
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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EyBot v0.1 Buildin parts are: Raspberry Pi, arduino. L298 H-Bridge, mini amplifier for speaker.DC-DC (12V to 5V). at this moment, controlled over WLAN, or over bash scripts (like in Youtube Video). Can be controlled with Android Phone (i wrote a small and simple Android app) in future, i will build in a raspberyy pi cam., Ultrasonic or a infrared deistance sensor. odometry.


EyBot v0.1 Buildin parts are: Raspberry Pi, arduino. L298 H-Bridge, mini amplifier for speaker.DC-DC (12V to 5V).

at this moment, controlled over WLAN, or over bash scripts (like in Youtube Video).

Can be controlled with Android Phone (i wrote a small and simple Android app)

in future, i will build in a raspberyy pi cam., Ultrasonic or a infrared deistance sensor. odometry.

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