explorer :)

Posted on 21/12/2008 by vouck
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is my first robot. The photo shows the way it looks for now, but it's a just 'prototype' yet and it will evolve ;) It has been inspired by fritsl's 'how to build your first robot' as you probably can see (this one and many other tutorials/tips are SOOOOOOOOO helpful, THANKS!). I made my own IR sensor using a IR LED and a phototransistor or whatever it's called.. The sensor cost me about 3$. I used some wood as chassis, nails as axles and a glue gun OF COURSE ;) and some LEGO wheels I had.. ...

explorer :)

This is my first robot. The photo shows the way it looks for now, but it's a just 'prototype' yet and it will evolve ;)

It has been inspired by fritsl's 'how to build your first robot' as you probably can see (this one and many other tutorials/tips are SOOOOOOOOO helpful, THANKS!).

I made my own IR sensor using a IR LED and a phototransistor or whatever it's called.. The sensor cost me about 3$. I used some wood as chassis, nails as axles and a glue gun OF COURSE ;) and some LEGO wheels I had.. I've also put 3 LEDs on the top just to know which part of code is being processed (which apparently doesn't always reflect in what the robot actually does :)

All in all..... It's not perfect :) First of all it drives to fast (hard to react on time, before it hits the wall :) and doesn't drive straight due to defferences in motors... So now after I got a little into picaxe stuff I'll improve the project probably using modified servos as geared motors... Will make a video then :)


The robot is basicly supposed to do this:


Drive forward, check whats in front...

If we got something then stop and go back a little...

Then using 'random' command choose which way to look first (left or right)

If the first look shows some space to drive, go there, if not, look the other way

If the other way is free, go there, if not then turn around and go....


and so on, so on... as long as we have power :)


For me the cost to build it was actually 2 times lower because the only thing I didn't have at home at that time was picaxe...


Hope to do the modifications soon...

Navigate around via IR

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 motors, 1 Servo
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: 4.8V DC battery pack
  • Sensors / input devices: IR sensor
  • Target environment: indoor
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