Droid Rock Crawler

Posted on 10/02/2012 by bitbangedff
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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So this robot isn’t autonomous but it’s still pretty cool. I had some spare time to grab one of the platforms from my university and thought it would be pretty neat to have it be controlled via Android or a PC. I wrote a serial communications protocol and this was the perfect test. The bot is controlled locally by a DFRobot Romeo Arduino board. Communication is made over Bluetooth to an Android phone. The phone basically sets up a touch listener and maps the touch event’s X/Y coordinates ...

Droid Rock Crawler

So this robot isn’t autonomous but it’s still pretty cool. I had some spare time to grab one of the platforms from my university and thought it would be pretty neat to have it be controlled via Android or a PC. I wrote a serial communications protocol and this was the perfect test. The bot is controlled locally by a DFRobot Romeo Arduino board. Communication is made over Bluetooth to an Android phone. The phone basically sets up a touch listener and maps the touch event’s X/Y coordinates to values within the servos range. There is a servo for each axle, allowing for a crab like steer. I used the factory motor driver since it acts similar to a servo, feeding it with different PWM values will cause it to move at the specified rate.  If anyone wants the code just add a comment and I’ll throw it up! I also have a version that communicates over XBee from a PC to the bot, the controller program is written in processing.

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