
Posted on 09/06/2016 by allgoobl
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hello, I just joined this sight to learn and meet people that share the same interest in making robots. I know no one that does this as a hobby. I am working to get it to move forward and turn left and right. I am currently working on a program now to do so. Programing is my weak point, I am no expert in any thing really. Trying to learn all I can. I have a mega as the main controller and 13 arduino nano's. Each nano is devoted to one linear actuator or motor for controlling movement and ...


droid-1Hello, I just joined this sight to learn and meet people that share the same interest in making robots. I know no one that does this as a hobby. I am working to get it to move forward and turn left and right. I am currently working on a program now to do so. Programing is my weak point, I am no expert in any thing really. Trying to learn all I can. I have a mega as the main controller and 13 arduino nano's. Each nano is devoted to one linear actuator or motor for controlling movement and feed back. I have connected them all through I2C. The movements for walking seem to get the job done but fine tuning the smoothness takes time and getting more familiar with the c++ language. If any one has suggestions or know of a builders club in Maryland I would appreciate it. Thanks

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